Click here to download the SQL Server PowerBI Template -
OctopusDeploySQLServer.pbt (
Once you have downloaded the OctopusDeploySQLServer template, open it up.
You will see PowerBI attempt to refresh the data, you will see the pop-up below, click 'cancel'. |
Now from the 'Home' bar, click 'Transform data' and select 'Data source settings'. |
Click on 'Change Source...'. |  |
Enter in your local SQL Server name and instance if needed, and enter your database name, then click 'Ok'. |  |
Now you should see your server and database listed, next click on 'Edit Permissions...'. |  |
Now under Credentials, click 'Edit...'. If you notice the current type is 'Database'. |  |
If you are going to connect using SQL Server database user account, select 'database' then enter your username and password and click 'Save'. |  |
If you use Windows Authentication, select 'Windows' and select either 'Use my current credentials' or enter 'alternate credentials' and click 'Save'. |  |
If your instance uses a Microsoft account, then select that option and click 'Sign In' and follow the prompts and then hit save. |  |
Once you save your credentials, click 'Ok', then on the 'Home' bar, click 'Refresh' to connect to your database and refresh your data. |
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